Uniquely Chic Bouquet
A casual design of orange asiatic lilies and roses with hot pink carnations and roses.
Send someone this vibrant mixture of opulent orange and zesty pink flowers casually arranged in a clear glass cube container. It’s a perfectly delightful way to express what’s on your mind
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Pink Grace
Pink Grace
Celebrate a fabulous woman in your life with a beautiful mixed bouquet featuring pink roses and arranged in a perky pink cube. She’ll be thrilled with this charmingly feminine gift – and touched by your thoughtfulness because it is also a gift for others!
Pink Cubes are on back order so this arrangement will be made in a beautiful hot pink cube.
Sunny Siesta
Sunny Siesta
Know someone who could use a little pick-me-up? Sending this pretty summer arrangement will definitely do the trick.
Snack Basket
Snack Basket
Pictured is a sample of goodies! Snacks and sizes may vary per availability and price point.
Modern Mood Succulent Garden
Modern Mood Succulent Garden
Happiness is sure to grow when this unique gift is delivered, featuring four low-maintenance plants in a mid-century ceramic planter with wooden base. Succulents may vary based on availability.
Sweet Elephant Garden
Sweet Elephant Garden
This sweet elephant planter full of beautiful succulents makes the perfect gift to brighten any room.
Succulents may vary based on season and availability.
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