Pretty in Purple
If someone you know is loving lavender these days, send them a gift of Teleflora’s Pretty in Purple flowers, featuring over two feet of showy lavender, pink and white blossoms such as roses, stock and larkspur. Delivered in a gently tinted lavender vase – and accented with a matching ribbon – it’s simply splendid.
A mix of fresh flowers such as roses, larkspur, lavender and stock – in shades of lavender, pink and white.
If someone you know is loving lavender these days, send them a gift of Teleflora’s Pretty in Purple flowers, featuring over two feet of showy lavender, pink and white blossoms such as roses, stock and larkspur. Delivered in a gently tinted lavender vase – and accented with a matching ribbon – it’s simply splendid.
A mix of fresh flowers such as roses, larkspur, lavender and stock – in shades of lavender, pink and white .
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