Showing 1–9 of 21 results

Princess For A Day

$70.00 $65.00

Princess For A Day

$70.00 $65.00

Make her feel like royalty when you send this burst of fresh pink and lavender flowers in a chic glass cube. Its a beautiful mix of Light Pink Rose, Green Button, Lavender Stock with Hot Pink Miniature Carnations. It’s a gift that will make any woman feel pretty and pampered.



Dressed To Impress Bouquet


Gorgeously girly! Like sending a party in a vase, this breathtaking bouquet of blushing roses and lilies is a positively pink-tastic way to celebrate someone special.

Polka Dots and Posies

$65.00 $55.00

Polka Dots and Posies

$65.00 $55.00

For a special treat that can’t be beat, this delightfully cheery bouquet of white daisies and miniature pink spray roses – presented in a 4 by 4 delicate clear  glass cube vase, accented with a matching pink polka-dot ribbon – is like a gift of pure joy!

Bunny Basket


Bunny Basket


Easter Baskets filled with lots of Easter goodies, Chocolate Bunnies, Peeps, Candies, and of course a small plush Easter Bunny!

Grace and Majesty Bouquet


A bouquet to remember. This glorious garden of roses, lilies and alstroemeria surrounds an 11 inch gleaming Crystal Cross. It’s a radiant, reverent expression of faith that will be appreciated for years to come.

Crystal Cross Bouquet


Celebrate the reason for the season with radiant flowers cradling an exquisitely crafted 11 inch crystal cross. This lovely gift will be a source of inspiration for years to come.

Life’s Glory Bouquet


This peaceful bouquet of soft white flowers and green accents is a beautiful message of sympathy, adorned with a large crystal cross keepsake.

The cross is approximately 11 inches tall.

Perfect White Lillies


These gorgeous white lilies are so classically elegant, they’re sure to turn any occasion into an idyllic one. Perfect for special days or every day.

Enchanted Cottage


This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It’s so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!


Showing 1–9 of 21 results