Showing 28–36 of 60 results

Hugs and Kisses


Whether for your significant other or just a loved one, this delightful floral gift is a sweet way to say “I love you.”



Lavish Love Bouquet


Lavish your loved one with luxuriant reds and pinks. A romantic gift or sumptuous surprise, it stars fragrant pink  lilies and rich red roses and miniature red spray roses for a feminine twist on the classic rose bouquet.

*Dozen Red Roses


A standard dozen roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase. Your choice on color. Please make note of your color choice in comments. Did you know that roses were once a symbol of silence? The Latin phrase sub rosa means “told in confidence.” Confide your love without saying a word. Send twelve red roses.

*Two Dozen Red Roses


Two dozen roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase. Your choice on color. Please make note of your color choice in comments. Did you know that roses were once a symbol of silence? The Latin phrase sub rosa means “told in confidence.” Confide your love without saying a word. Send twelve red roses.

Dozen White Roses


A joyful gesture of love and affection, this chic arrangement of one dozen pure white roses with fresh greens is a special surprise on any occasion.

*Together Forever

$70.00 $65.00

*Together Forever

$70.00 $65.00

Looking for something simple, sweet and romantic? This charming, crimson-hued bouquet will be a lovely sentiment of your affection.

P.S. I Love You


P.S. I Love You


Tell someone “I love you!” with two of nature’s most beautiful blooms combined into one spectacular bouquet – fragrant crimson roses for romance, and delicate pink tulips to signify friendship and devotion. Accented with red roses – mixed  with red and pink tulips – is delivered in a glass cylinder vase accented with a pink ribbon. big, bold pink bow, this magnificent floral gift will create a sensation.

*Half A Dozen Roses


Six roses arranged in a clear glass vase with greenery and filler.

Dozen Yellow Roses


Sun-filled yellow roses represent friendship and joy. Send these bright, cheerful dozen to convey affection and to let someone know how much you value their friendship. A dozen yellow roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase.

Showing 28–36 of 60 results