Showing 1–9 of 17 results

Life’s Glory Bouquet


This peaceful bouquet of soft white flowers and green accents is a beautiful message of sympathy, adorned with a large crystal cross keepsake.

The cross is approximately 11 inches tall.

Perfect White Lillies


These gorgeous white lilies are so classically elegant, they’re sure to turn any occasion into an idyllic one. Perfect for special days or every day.

Bama Bouquet


Bama Bouquet


Red Roses and White Lilies the perfect bouquet to celebrate your Bama baby!

Homecoming Mum Corsage


Cheer On The Tide This Homecoming with a Traditional Homecoming Mum Corsage!

Ivory Tide


Ivory Tide


Make her day! Send your special someone this charming bouquet arranged in a beautiful elephant vase with white hydrangea and red roses. It’s a gift that will surely delight!

Sincere Serenity


A simple and elegant display of pure white blossoms such as roses, Asiatic lilies and carnations, presented in a classic urn, creates a serene and contemplative display. A traditional choice for any service or wake.

Tranquil Seas


Tranquil Seas

Say farewell to a beloved friend, family member or business associate with a serene blend of white and blue blossoms, reminiscent of the peaceful sea. This charming bouquet – hand-delivered in a classic urn – will be a thoughtful reminder of your devotion


A mix of fresh blue and white flowers such as roses, Asiatic lilies and hydrangea is delivered in a Garden urn.

Designer’s Choice Mixed Cut Arrangement


Not sure what to get that special person on your mind? Let our award winning designer select the perfect arrangement for you! You pick the price point and we’ll pick the flowers!

Graduation Designer’s Choice


Red and white designer’s choice bouquet. Not sure what to get you pick the price point and we will pick the flowers!

Showing 1–9 of 17 results