Showing all 4 results

Sunflower Shimmer


Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement! Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty!

Heavenly Cornucopia


What could be more heavenly than this harvest display of fresh flowers – including sunflowers, roses and Asiatic lilies – spilling from a natural cornucopia? Wonderful for Thanksgiving, and a spectacular hostess gift.

Pretty Pumpkin Bouquet


It’s a pumpkin to pie for. Pun aside, it is a gorgeously realistic pumpkin made of hand-painted ceramic. The perfect vase for an awesome autumn bouquet of roses, sunflowers and more. Later, it makes a stunning candy dish.

Sunshine Bouquet

$85.00 $75.00

Sunshine Bouquet

$85.00 $75.00

Sunny sunflowers for any occasion! This stunning bouquet is sure to be brighten up any day!