Showing 28–36 of 43 results

Snowy Night


Snowy Night


Give Christmas a charmingly contemporary spin with lush red and white roses in a dazzling mirrored silver cube. With a merrily moderate price tag, it makes the perfect gift for all the people on your list – naughty or nice.

Rose Tribute


Rose Tribute


As true as the love symbolized by a red, red rose are the heartfelt memories and deep feelings embraced with this classic and elegant expression of tribute.

Tender Tribute


Tender Tribute

Vivid and touching, vibrant reds and serene whites blend in honor and celebration of a life filled with love, light and grace.
Beautiful fresh flowers such as red gladioli and carnations with white asiatic lilies set amidst myrtle, sword fern, and salal in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn.

With Distinction

A dazzling display of patriotic red, white and blue flowers sends a silent yet poignant statement about hope, freedom and the strength to endure. This proud bouquet is a testament to life that is sure to be appreciated.
A beautiful mix of all-American red, white and blue flowers such as hydrangea, roses, miniature carnations, snapdragons, chrysanthemums and more are perfectly arranged in a white urn.

Modern Adoration Bouquet


Classic romance! Make their heart soar with this glorious Valentine’s Day Modern Adoration bouquet of timeless red roses and white lilies in an elegant European glass vase with pretty pearlescent finish.

Modern Devotion Bouquet


Your devotion knows no bounds. Celebrate your love this Valentine’s Day with this stunning rose and lily bouquet, artfully arranged in a magnificent European glass vase with pearlescent finish.

Modern Lovely Bouquet


Oh so lovely, this modern Valentine’s Day bouquet features timeless roses and a spectacular European glass keepsake vase with shimmering finish.

Love That Pink


Think pink, then think of all the thank-you kisses you’ll get when you send this ravishingly romantic low modern bouquet. Lush pink roses and red spray roses, pink alstroemeria and pink carnations in a silver cube. Get ready to pucker up.

Lavish Love Bouquet


Lavish your loved one with luxuriant reds and pinks. A romantic gift or sumptuous surprise, it stars fragrant pink  lilies and rich red roses and miniature red spray roses for a feminine twist on the classic rose bouquet.

Showing 28–36 of 43 results