Showing 10–18 of 43 results

Vibrant Christmas Centerpiece


Dress up your holiday celebrations with this elegant Christmas rose bouquet. Filled with red roses, white asiatic lilies, and miniature red carnations, this vibrant Christmas flower centerpiece is delivered in a beautifully arranged scalloped glass keepsake bowl with shimmering metallic finish.

Caroling in the Snow


This festive holiday bouquet includes red roses and white asiatic lilies presented in our red mirrored cube.

Holiday Magic


Holiday Magic


With beautiful red roses and brilliant white lilies delivered in a dramatic tall ruby vase, this dazzling holiday arrangement casts an enchanting spell. A step up from the traditional, its effect is nothing less than magical.

Large Lily and Rose Wrapped Bouquet


An elegant Dozen Red  Rose and mixed with White Lily bouquet hand-tied with a Bama ribbon bow. Heartfelt in its simplicity, it is perfectly paired with greenery and filler flowers.

Wrapped Graduation Bouquet


An elegant Roses and Carnations bouquet accented with White Daises hand-tied with a Bama bow. Heartfelt in its simplicity, it is perfectly paired with greenery and filler flowers.

Care and Compassion Spray


Your care and compassion will be appreciated by all who lay eyes on this radiant standing spray. A variety of lovely vibrant red blossoms contrasted by vivid green of bells of Ireland will deliver your heartfelt condolences. Perfectly.

Distinguished Service Casket Spray


A beautifully patriotic way to pay tribute to a loved one. This half-couch spray sends an eloquent message of strength, respect and freedom.

Garden of Grandeur Casket Spray


A traditional tribute that communicates deep love and eternal commitment. This dramatic red and white casket spray is ideal for a full couch or closed casket, mixing dozens of deep red roses with the pure white beauty of gladioli and stock.

Strength and Solace


Express your love beautifully and tastefully with this stunning spray of red and white floral favorites. An impeccable choice for the memorial service.

Showing 10–18 of 43 results