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Crimson Rose Centerpiece


This floral Christmas centerpiece will be the star of the table! Take your holiday celebrations to the next level with glowing tapers above crimson red roses in a scalloped glass keepsake vase. Sending flowers for Christmas as sure to make spirits bright.

Joyous Christmas Centerpieces


Spread joy with this festive holiday centerpiece featuring a stunning scalloped glass keepsake bowl filled with classic red roses and snowy lilies. Order this Joyous Christmas Centerpiece and deliver joy right to your loved one’s door.

Vibrant Christmas Centerpiece


Dress up your holiday celebrations with this elegant Christmas rose bouquet. Filled with red roses, white asiatic lilies, and miniature red carnations, this vibrant Christmas flower centerpiece is delivered in a beautifully arranged scalloped glass keepsake bowl with shimmering metallic finish.

Dozen Roses Contemporary


A dozen lush red roses, arranged into an unadorned bouquet, is an instant classic. Fragrant, glamorous and communicating the language of love, this gift can be sent from a man to a woman – or from a woman to a man. It’s traditional yet modern, and simply perfect.

Love’s Divine


Love’s Divine


Love’s divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful bouquet of red and white roses – accented with frilly white Queen Anne’s lace, and adorned with a bright red ribbon.

Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne’s lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.