Showing 1–9 of 26 results

Princess For A Day

$70.00 $65.00

Princess For A Day

$70.00 $65.00

Make her feel like royalty when you send this burst of fresh pink and lavender flowers in a chic glass cube. Its a beautiful mix of Light Pink Rose, Green Button, Lavender Stock with Hot Pink Miniature Carnations. It’s a gift that will make any woman feel pretty and pampered.



Sparkle and Bloom Bouquet


Make a glamorous statement this Mother’s Day with this sweet pop of pink roses, artistically hand-arranged in a mirrored ceramic vase. Its fresh aqua hue and unique faceted design truly sparkle, just like mom!

Gem of My Heart

$75.00 $65.00

Gem of My Heart

$75.00 $65.00

Make mom feel like the gem that she is with this magnificent mirrored ceramic vase, fabulously faceted to catch in the light! Bursting with lush pink roses, it’s a sparkling reminder of your love.

Glitz & Glam


Glitz & Glam


Glam it up!  This glitzy gift spoils her with a luxurious rose bouquet presented in a keepsake vase of amethyst glass that’s diamond-cut for extra sparkle!

Love Medley


Love Medley


Sing them a love song – with flowers. This lush, loving arrangement of roses and spray roses tells them just how much you care.

Fabulous Flora

$70.00 $65.00

Fabulous Flora

$70.00 $65.00

A fabulously divine way to declare your love, or simply brighten a special someone’s day, this pinktastic bouquet of roses and lilies.

Pink cubes are on back order so this arrangement will be made in a hot pink cube.


Sweet Serenade


Surprise someone you love  with the sweetest serenade! This touching rose bouquet, perfectly presented in a shimmering European glass keepsake vase, is sure to make her heart sing.

Glorious Farewell Spray


This glorious spray of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies is an especially fond, feminine farewell to one deeply loved.

In Love With Lime Bouquet


Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it’s a loving gift any day of the week!

We are sold out of lime green cubes. The arrangement is designed in a clear vase with a green leaf wrap inside.

Showing 1–9 of 26 results