Showing all 9 results

Dressed To Impress Bouquet


Gorgeously girly! Like sending a party in a vase, this breathtaking bouquet of blushing roses and lilies is a positively pink-tastic way to celebrate someone special.

In Love With Lime Bouquet


Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it’s a loving gift any day of the week!

We are sold out of lime green cubes. The arrangement is designed in a clear vase with a green leaf wrap inside.

Tranquil Seas


Tranquil Seas

Say farewell to a beloved friend, family member or business associate with a serene blend of white and blue blossoms, reminiscent of the peaceful sea. This charming bouquet – hand-delivered in a classic urn – will be a thoughtful reminder of your devotion


A mix of fresh blue and white flowers such as roses, Asiatic lilies and hydrangea is delivered in a Garden urn.

Pink Wink


Pink Wink


Does someone you know love luscious shades of pink? Then give them a medley of perky pink flowers!

Pink vases are on back order. This arrangement is done in a clear vase.

Designer’s Choice Mixed Cut Arrangement


Not sure what to get that special person on your mind? Let our award winning designer select the perfect arrangement for you! You pick the price point and we’ll pick the flowers!

Autumn Elegance


Sunflowers are the happiest flowers. Their bright, open faces almost seem to smile! And this mix of orange and yellow blossoms will add a touch of joy to anyone’s life this season.

Haute Pink Bouquet


A high-fashion fantasy of roses! When you want to make a grand statement, send this dreamy bouquet of posh pink roses and modern greens.

Pure Happiness


Pure happiness is what this pretty bouquet delivers – whether you’re sending it for a fall birthday, Thanksgiving, thank you, or simply just because. Surely, no one can be in the presence of something so inherently happy and not smile.

Pretty in Purple


If someone you know is loving lavender these days, send them a gift of Teleflora’s Pretty in Purple flowers, featuring over two feet of showy lavender, pink and white blossoms such as roses, stock and larkspur. Delivered in a gently tinted lavender vase – and accented with a matching ribbon – it’s simply splendid.

A mix of fresh flowers such as roses, larkspur, lavender and stock – in shades of lavender, pink and white.