Showing 1–9 of 15 results

Be the Light Bouquet


Encircling a beautiful crystal cross keepsake, this sunny bouquet of roses and mums is a message of joy and hope.

Care and Compassion Spray


Your care and compassion will be appreciated by all who lay eyes on this radiant standing spray. A variety of lovely vibrant red blossoms contrasted by vivid green of bells of Ireland will deliver your heartfelt condolences. Perfectly.

Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet


Peaceful and majestic in a large antiqued pot, this wondrous white arrangement is a touching tribute to a bright life, and your unending support.

Garden of Grandeur Casket Spray


A traditional tribute that communicates deep love and eternal commitment. This dramatic red and white casket spray is ideal for a full couch or closed casket, mixing dozens of deep red roses with the pure white beauty of gladioli and stock.

Glorious Farewell Spray


This glorious spray of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies is an especially fond, feminine farewell to one deeply loved.

Grandest Glory Casket


As serene as gently falling snow, this pure white spray of hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies is a heartfelt symbol of peace and beauty–a symbol that will remain a guiding light to your loved ones for years to come.

Heartfelt Sympathy Spray


This beautiful spray includes white hydrangea, white roses, white oriental lilies, white gladioli, white stock, pitta negra, sword fern, curly willow, variegated aspidistra leaves, and lemon leaf. Delivered on a wire easel.

Silken Serenity Casket Spray


Gracious, innocent and elegant. This beautiful half casket spray is a lovely way to pay tribute to someone who will always remain in your heart.

Strength and Solace


Express your love beautifully and tastefully with this stunning spray of red and white floral favorites. An impeccable choice for the memorial service.

Showing 1–9 of 15 results