Showing 10–15 of 15 results

Dozen White Roses


A joyful gesture of love and affection, this chic arrangement of one dozen pure white roses with fresh greens is a special surprise on any occasion.

*Half A Dozen Roses


Six roses arranged in a clear glass vase with greenery and filler.

Dozen Yellow Roses


Sun-filled yellow roses represent friendship and joy. Send these bright, cheerful dozen to convey affection and to let someone know how much you value their friendship. A dozen yellow roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase.

Love’s Divine


Love’s Divine


Love’s divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful bouquet of red and white roses – accented with frilly white Queen Anne’s lace, and adorned with a bright red ribbon.

Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne’s lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.

Field of Roses


Field of Roses


The quintessential gesture of passionate love, this generous bouquet is anything but bashful. Twenty-four roses in a clear glass vase display your affection beautifully.

3 Dozen Roses


3 Dozen Roses


Deliver an unmistakable message of Love with a capital “L” when you send three dozen magnificent roses in their own elegant glass vase!

Showing 10–15 of 15 results