Showing 19–26 of 26 results

Glorious Gratitude Orchid


Show your gratitude for a special someone with this glorious living gift. These alluring purple phalaenopsis orchids add natural elegance to any environment. This container is currently on back order, orchid will be in a white cube vase.

Modern Mood Succulent Garden


Happiness is sure to grow when this unique gift is delivered, featuring four low-maintenance plants in a mid-century ceramic planter with wooden base. Succulents may vary based on availability.

Sunshine Bouquet

$85.00 $75.00

Sunshine Bouquet

$85.00 $75.00

Sunny sunflowers for any occasion! This stunning bouquet is sure to be brighten up any day!

Pretty in Purple


If someone you know is loving lavender these days, send them a gift of Teleflora’s Pretty in Purple flowers, featuring over two feet of showy lavender, pink and white blossoms such as roses, stock and larkspur. Delivered in a gently tinted lavender vase – and accented with a matching ribbon – it’s simply splendid.

A mix of fresh flowers such as roses, larkspur, lavender and stock – in shades of lavender, pink and white.

Snack Basket


Snack Basket


Pictured is a sample of goodies! Snacks and sizes may vary per availability and price point.

Sunny Siesta


Sunny Siesta


Know someone who could use a little pick-me-up? Sending this pretty summer arrangement will definitely do the trick.

Uniquely Chic Bouquet


A casual design of orange asiatic lilies and roses with hot pink carnations and roses.

Sweet Red Candy Cup


Got a sweet tooth? We got you covered! This Candy Cup full of candy bars is the perfect gift!

Showing 19–26 of 26 results