Showing 46–54 of 58 results

Loving Memories


Loving Memories


This pink and white arrangement, with its chrysanthemums, larkspur and snapdragons, is perfect to display your heartfelt sentiments. One arrangement with pink carnations and alstroemeria, white chrysanthemums and pink larkspur, along with a pink bow, is delivered in a white container.

Most Memorable Tribute


This outstanding arrangement of vibrant seasonal flowers offers your condolences in a most memorable way. A mixture of hot pink gerberas, peach carnations and spray roses, purple larkspur and yellow snapdragons in a green jardiniere.

Ocean Breeze Spray


Like a refreshing ocean breeze, this cool-hued standing spray of white and blue flowers including roses, Asiatic lilies and delphinium, will bring a sense of peace and calm to any service or memorial.

A standing spray of fresh blue and white flowers such as Asiatic lilies, roses, delphinium and hydrangea – accented with ferns – is delivered on an easel.

Peace Lily Plant Large


This floor-sized plant with its shiny dark green leaves produces striking white lily-like flowers all year. Perfect for home, office or sympathy service.

Peace Lily Plant Medium


This version with its shiny dark green leaves, also produces striking white lily-like flowers. Perfect to beautify any home, office or sympathy service.

Peace Lily Plant Small


This easy-to-care for plant with its shiny dark green leaves and white flowers is the perfect complement to any home or office or sympathy service.

Peaceful White Lilies Basket


Whether you send this beautiful arrangement to the family home or to the service, all will appreciate its elegance and grace. The contrast of brilliant white blossoms and dazzling greenery create a wonderfully calm and dignified setting.

Pink Promise Spray


This soft pink spray with its carnations, gladioli and larkspur holds the promise of a brighter tomorrow. One spray of pink carnations, gladioli, larkspur and waxflower is delivered on an easel.

Precious Petals Bouquet


Nestled among bright orange gerberas, pink roses and white lilies, this precious crystal cross keepsake brings joyful reverence to your special occasion.

The cross is approximately 11 inches tall.

Showing 46–54 of 58 results