Lavender Reminder Basket
Lavender Reminder Basket
This lovely lavender arrangement, with its asters, chrysanthemums and larkspur, will remind us all that there’s hope.
One arrangement with lavender asters, chrysanthemums and larkspur, and white carnations and spray asters is delivered in a natural wicker basket.
Love’s Journey
Love’s Journey
Your message of caring will be as clear as day when you send this pure white and pretty basket to the bereaved.
Loving Beauty Bouquet
Loving Beauty Bouquet
With its gorgeous yellow and purple flowers, this beautiful arrangement is a reminder that love is everlasting. One arrangement arrives decorated with yellow lilies and purple liatris, asters and roses, in a classic clear glass vase.
Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet
Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet
A simply beautiful way to show you care. By sending this elegant arrangement to the home of those in mourning, you are letting them know they are embraced in your thoughts and in your heart.
Loving Memories
Loving Memories
This pink and white arrangement, with its chrysanthemums, larkspur and snapdragons, is perfect to display your heartfelt sentiments. One arrangement with pink carnations and alstroemeria, white chrysanthemums and pink larkspur, along with a pink bow, is delivered in a white container.
Magnificent Mauves Bouquet
Magnificent Mauves Bouquet
This harmonic mix of deep purple hydrangea with light lavender roses and sweet pink gerberas is a dreamy delight on any occasion.
Most Memorable Tribute
Most Memorable Tribute
This outstanding arrangement of vibrant seasonal flowers offers your condolences in a most memorable way. A mixture of hot pink gerberas, peach carnations and spray roses, purple larkspur and yellow snapdragons in a green jardiniere.
Peace Lily Plant Large
Peace Lily Plant Large
This floor-sized plant with its shiny dark green leaves produces striking white lily-like flowers all year. Perfect for home, office or sympathy service.
Peace Lily Plant Medium
Peace Lily Plant Medium
This version with its shiny dark green leaves, also produces striking white lily-like flowers. Perfect to beautify any home, office or sympathy service.
Showing 28–36 of 40 results