Showing 28–36 of 37 results

*Half A Dozen Roses


Six roses arranged in a clear glass vase with greenery and filler.

Dozen Yellow Roses


Sun-filled yellow roses represent friendship and joy. Send these bright, cheerful dozen to convey affection and to let someone know how much you value their friendship. A dozen yellow roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase.

Haute Pink Bouquet


A high-fashion fantasy of roses! When you want to make a grand statement, send this dreamy bouquet of posh pink roses and modern greens.





Send this summery bouquet and you’ll make a splendid splash! Perfect for birthdays, thank yous, barbecues and beyond. This warm-weather charmer will be welcome everywhere!


Sunflower Shimmer


Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement! Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty!

Roll Tide Bouquet


The perfect gift for you favorite Alabama girl! In a clear vase, you will be able to express your love through an elegant arrangement of roses.

Beautiful Love Bouquet


Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase.

Sweet Elephant Garden


This sweet elephant planter full of beautiful succulents makes the perfect gift to brighten any room.

Succulents may vary based on season and availability.

Snack Basket


Snack Basket


Pictured is a sample of goodies! Snacks and sizes may vary per availability and price point.

Showing 28–36 of 37 results