Showing 19–27 of 37 results

Rose Glam Bouquet


Bursting with perfect pink roses and snow white lilies, this sparkling cut glass vase in the most glamorous shade of amethyst is a perfect arrangement for your loved one.

Ivory Tide


Ivory Tide


Make her day! Send your special someone this charming bouquet arranged in a beautiful elephant vase with white hydrangea and red roses. It’s a gift that will surely delight!

Pink Grace


Pink Grace


Celebrate a fabulous woman in your life with a beautiful mixed bouquet featuring pink roses and arranged in a perky pink cube. She’ll be thrilled with this charmingly feminine gift – and touched by your thoughtfulness because it is also a gift for others!

Pink Cubes are on back order so this arrangement will be made in a beautiful hot pink cube.

Dozen Light Pink Roses

$95.00 $85.00

Dozen Light Pink Roses

$95.00 $85.00

Pretty, pink and perfect. There’s nothing like long-stemmed pink roses to show your affection.

Shades of pink may vary.

Dozen Roses Contemporary


A dozen lush red roses, arranged into an unadorned bouquet, is an instant classic. Fragrant, glamorous and communicating the language of love, this gift can be sent from a man to a woman – or from a woman to a man. It’s traditional yet modern, and simply perfect.

Always A Lady


Always A Lady


A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression.

Dozen Lavender Roses


Adoration and enchantment, with a dash of regal majesty. 12 lavender roses, with variegated pittosporum and salal, arrive in a classic glass urn vase.

*Two Dozen Red Roses


Two dozen roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase. Your choice on color. Please make note of your color choice in comments. Did you know that roses were once a symbol of silence? The Latin phrase sub rosa means “told in confidence.” Confide your love without saying a word. Send twelve red roses.

P.S. I Love You


P.S. I Love You


Tell someone “I love you!” with two of nature’s most beautiful blooms combined into one spectacular bouquet – fragrant crimson roses for romance, and delicate pink tulips to signify friendship and devotion. Accented with red roses – mixed  with red and pink tulips – is delivered in a glass cylinder vase accented with a pink ribbon. big, bold pink bow, this magnificent floral gift will create a sensation.

Showing 19–27 of 37 results