Showing 10–18 of 29 results

Wrapped Dozen Roses


A Beautiful Dozen Red Roses Wrapped accented with a Bama bow!

Graduation Designer’s Choice


Red and white designer’s choice bouquet. Not sure what to get you pick the price point and we will pick the flowers!

Crimson and White


Crimson and white, they’re the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are!

Red miniature spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a clear cube vase that’s wrapped with a crimson and white polka-dot satin ribbon.

*Dozen Red Roses


A standard dozen roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase. Your choice on color. Please make note of your color choice in comments. Did you know that roses were once a symbol of silence? The Latin phrase sub rosa means “told in confidence.” Confide your love without saying a word. Send twelve red roses.

*Two Dozen Red Roses


Two dozen roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase. Your choice on color. Please make note of your color choice in comments. Did you know that roses were once a symbol of silence? The Latin phrase sub rosa means “told in confidence.” Confide your love without saying a word. Send twelve red roses.

Dozen White Roses


A joyful gesture of love and affection, this chic arrangement of one dozen pure white roses with fresh greens is a special surprise on any occasion.

Sleek Orchid Plant


A beautiful white orchid plant potted in a sleek white ceramic container is perfect for any occasion or just because.

*Half A Dozen Roses


Six roses arranged in a clear glass vase with greenery and filler.

Showing 10–18 of 29 results