Lavish Love Bouquet
Lavish Love Bouquet
Lavish your loved one with luxuriant reds and pinks. A romantic gift or sumptuous surprise, it stars fragrant pink lilies and rich red roses and miniature red spray roses for a feminine twist on the classic rose bouquet.
*Dozen Red Roses
*Dozen Red Roses
A standard dozen roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase. Your choice on color. Please make note of your color choice in comments. Did you know that roses were once a symbol of silence? The Latin phrase sub rosa means “told in confidence.” Confide your love without saying a word. Send twelve red roses.
Dancing Beauty
Dancing Beauty
Make someone’s heart dance with this fabulous arrangement of luxurious lilies and roses in a European glass vase with shimmering metallic finish.
Dozen White Roses
Dozen White Roses
A joyful gesture of love and affection, this chic arrangement of one dozen pure white roses with fresh greens is a special surprise on any occasion.
Sleek Orchid Plant
Sleek Orchid Plant
A beautiful white orchid plant potted in a sleek white ceramic container is perfect for any occasion or just because.
*Half A Dozen Roses
Dozen Yellow Roses
Dozen Yellow Roses
Sun-filled yellow roses represent friendship and joy. Send these bright, cheerful dozen to convey affection and to let someone know how much you value their friendship. A dozen yellow roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase.
Haute Pink Bouquet
Haute Pink Bouquet
A high-fashion fantasy of roses! When you want to make a grand statement, send this dreamy bouquet of posh pink roses and modern greens.
Isn’t It Romantic
Isn’t It Romantic
Tonight will certainly be romantic if you send this classic arrangement today! Beautiful hues and gorgeous blossoms will deliver your love.
Showing 28–36 of 54 results