Showing 19–27 of 33 results

*Half A Dozen Roses


Six roses arranged in a clear glass vase with greenery and filler.

Happy Hydrangea Plant


Big, beautiful blossoms of pretty petals make the pink hydrangea a popular gift. Always appreciated, this versatile selection is perfect for a birthday, housewarming, thank-you…whatever. Beautiful to look at and easy to grow, no wonder it’s America’s darling.


Dozen Yellow Roses


Sun-filled yellow roses represent friendship and joy. Send these bright, cheerful dozen to convey affection and to let someone know how much you value their friendship. A dozen yellow roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase.

Lovely Luxe Bouquet


Pamper your lovely with this luxurious lavender and cream bouquet! Ravishing roses, fragrant lilies and delicate lisianthus create a chic, sweet surprise they’ll never forget.

Green Garden Bowl


Let them know they’re in your thoughts with this lush, soothing garden bowl.

Container and plant mixture may vary according to availability.

Sunflower Shimmer


Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement! Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty!

Large Basket Garden


This impressive wicker basket garden of assorted indoor plants will be a warm welcome to any home or office. Plant may very from season to season.

Medium Dish Garden


A lovely array of cheerful plants is just the right size for a mid-size desk or table. It’s also just the right choice for that special someone. Plants and container may very from season to season.

Beautiful Love Bouquet


Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase.

Showing 19–27 of 33 results