Showing 19–21 of 21 results

Precious Pink Tulips


So pretty, so perfect, so delicately pink. These ten artistically arranged pink tulips are just about the sweetest gift ever for that special someone in your life.

Sunshine Bouquet

$85.00 $75.00

Sunshine Bouquet

$85.00 $75.00

Sunny sunflowers for any occasion! This stunning bouquet is sure to be brighten up any day!

Pretty in Purple


If someone you know is loving lavender these days, send them a gift of Teleflora’s Pretty in Purple flowers, featuring over two feet of showy lavender, pink and white blossoms such as roses, stock and larkspur. Delivered in a gently tinted lavender vase – and accented with a matching ribbon – it’s simply splendid.

A mix of fresh flowers such as roses, larkspur, lavender and stock – in shades of lavender, pink and white.

Showing 19–21 of 21 results