Showing 1–9 of 13 results

Enchanted Cottage


This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It’s so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!


Garden Party


Garden Party

Whether you are invited to a garden party, or just want to celebrate with some dear friends, this spring centerpiece should be on your list. With more personality and aplomb than most parties have to begin with, this show-stopper is sure to please!

Designer’s Choice Mixed Cut Arrangement


Not sure what to get that special person on your mind? Let our award winning designer select the perfect arrangement for you! You pick the price point and we’ll pick the flowers!

Blue’s for You


Missing someone? Let them know just how much with this stunning arrangement of blue and purple blooms.

Dozen Lavender Roses


Adoration and enchantment, with a dash of regal majesty. 12 lavender roses, with variegated pittosporum and salal, arrive in a classic glass urn vase.

Gentle Comfort Basket


When comforting someone you love, the right words can be hard to find. Let these flowers speak for you: roses for love, asters for patience and delphinium for divine grace. One arrangement arrives with a harmonious blend of asters, delphinium, heather, iris and roses in a natural basket.

Heaven Scent


Heaven Scent


Pink stock and lisianthus, light blue delphinium, lavender roses and Matsumoto asters – accented with seeded eucalyptus and oregonia – are delivered in a clear glass vase.

Lavender Reminder Basket


This lovely lavender arrangement, with its asters, chrysanthemums and larkspur, will remind us all that there’s hope.

One arrangement with lavender asters, chrysanthemums and larkspur, and white carnations and spray asters is delivered in a natural wicker basket.

Magnificent Mauves Bouquet


This harmonic mix of deep purple hydrangea with light lavender roses and sweet pink gerberas is a dreamy delight on any occasion.

Showing 1–9 of 13 results