In Love With Lime Bouquet
In Love With Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it’s a loving gift any day of the week!
We are sold out of lime green cubes. The arrangement is designed in a clear vase with a green leaf wrap inside.
Garden Party
Garden Party
Designer’s Choice Mixed Cut Arrangement
Not sure what to get that special person on your mind? Let our award winning designer select the perfect arrangement for you! You pick the price point and we’ll pick the flowers!
Green Garden Bowl
Green Garden Bowl
Let them know they’re in your thoughts with this lush, soothing garden bowl.
Container and plant mixture may vary according to availability.
Large Dish Garden
Large Dish Garden
This low bowl filled with a diverse variety of living plants! Perfect to send to a home or a sympathy service, this garden will carry comfort and compassion for many months to come. Plants many vary.
Medium Dish Garden
Medium Dish Garden
A lovely array of cheerful plants is just the right size for a mid-size desk or table. It’s also just the right choice for that special someone. Plants and container may very from season to season.
Peace Lily Plant Large
Peace Lily Plant Large
This floor-sized plant with its shiny dark green leaves produces striking white lily-like flowers all year. Perfect for home, office or sympathy service.
Peace Lily Plant Medium
Peace Lily Plant Medium
This version with its shiny dark green leaves, also produces striking white lily-like flowers. Perfect to beautify any home, office or sympathy service.
Peace Lily Plant Small
Peace Lily Plant Small
This easy-to-care for plant with its shiny dark green leaves and white flowers is the perfect complement to any home or office or sympathy service.
Showing 1–9 of 11 results