Showing all 5 results

Tranquil Seas


Tranquil Seas

Say farewell to a beloved friend, family member or business associate with a serene blend of white and blue blossoms, reminiscent of the peaceful sea. This charming bouquet – hand-delivered in a classic urn – will be a thoughtful reminder of your devotion


A mix of fresh blue and white flowers such as roses, Asiatic lilies and hydrangea is delivered in a Garden urn.

Garden Party


Garden Party

Whether you are invited to a garden party, or just want to celebrate with some dear friends, this spring centerpiece should be on your list. With more personality and aplomb than most parties have to begin with, this show-stopper is sure to please!

Designer’s Choice Mixed Cut Arrangement


Not sure what to get that special person on your mind? Let our award winning designer select the perfect arrangement for you! You pick the price point and we’ll pick the flowers!

Blue’s for You


Missing someone? Let them know just how much with this stunning arrangement of blue and purple blooms.

Hello Sweet Baby Blue


A beautiful boy deserves beautiful blooms! Celebrate his special arrival with this perky, polka-dotted elephant vase, delivered with a gorgeous fresh flower bouquet.