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Princess For A Day

$70.00 $65.00

Princess For A Day

$70.00 $65.00

Make her feel like royalty when you send this burst of fresh pink and lavender flowers in a chic glass cube. Its a beautiful mix of Light Pink Rose, Green Button, Lavender Stock with Hot Pink Miniature Carnations. It’s a gift that will make any woman feel pretty and pampered.



Send A Hug Sweet Frosty Bouquet

$70.00 $65.00

Whether filled with festive flowers for Christmas or hot cocoa in the New Year, this smiling sweet frosty snowman mug vase spreads whimsical winter cheer. Order these Christmas flowers and put a smile on your loved one’s face.

Dressed To Impress Bouquet


Gorgeously girly! Like sending a party in a vase, this breathtaking bouquet of blushing roses and lilies is a positively pink-tastic way to celebrate someone special.

Joyous Christmas Centerpieces


Spread joy with this festive holiday centerpiece featuring a stunning scalloped glass keepsake bowl filled with classic red roses and snowy lilies. Order this Joyous Christmas Centerpiece and deliver joy right to your loved one’s door.

Double Poinsettia Basket


Double your decorative spirit by giving not one, but two red poinsettias in a festive basket.

*Dozen Red Roses

$95.00 $85.00

*Dozen Red Roses

$95.00 $85.00

A standard dozen roses arrive perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase. Your choice on color. Please make note of your color choice in comments. Did you know that roses were once a symbol of silence? The Latin phrase sub rosa means “told in confidence.” Confide your love without saying a word. Send twelve red roses.

Winter Wonderland Bouquet


Make the holidays especially cozy this year with a hurricane lamp featuring children playing in the snow. Add a rich floral arrangement and soft candlelight and you have a gift of nostalgia that will be treasured.